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And it would come to pass that many people from lands far and wide would visit and grow like, the trees and like the flowers............

We gather to teach and to learn. (Patricia waving)

Gone for a walk?

On the quiet path

journey to your 


where you will find love, where you will find peace.

Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I sits and don't thinks, sometimes I just sits.

The stars are my guides, the Universe my bedroom. 

May your slumber be blessed and sweet.

It is a pleasure and a joy  to have the opportunity to share our ideas, thoughts and hearts with you.
 We are all, at once teachers and students. Your questions, answers to questions, thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you for visiting us today.

"Inspiring people the world over to a new level of thinking about who they are, what they've got, and how to more effectively and successfully present themselves to the world."
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