Course Availibility
Available now |
Meditation and Guided Imagery:
comprehensive course in how to meditate and use guided imagery
for positive changes in your life. Includes audio clips
to assist you.

Available now |
Creating Wealth
from the Inside Out:
The real basis for creating wealth is aligning your beliefs and consciousness
with prosperity thinking. This course guides you in all the necessary steps!

Coming soon |
Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen:
Based on Patricia's book, this course shows you how to create and use effective
affirmations and visualizations to manifest what you want in life. |
Coming soon |
Reducing Stress is an Inside Job:
Mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual steps to reducing stress are all
covered in this course. A must for everyone in our fast paced world! |
Coming soon |
Your Ideal Life Work:
If you have been dreaming of a new and more satisfying career, this course
will assist you in finding it.
For information
about other life changing programs offered by Success Strategies
for Life and Business - Click Here |
All content © SuccessStrategies For Life & Business,
Patricia Crane, PhD & Rick Nichols. May not be reproduced.
mailto: phone: Toll Free (800) 969-4584
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